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SharePoint Framework and the Office UI Fabric grid system

A while a GitHub issue in the sp-dev-docs came to my attention, where someone had a problem titled as Can’t get grid system working using office fabric ui react. I took a closer look on why it is so challenging to get the grid system running right now and in SPFx projects in general. There are some catches you need to be aware.

Some of those issues are already documented in the a blog post on How to make your web parts responsive to the parent container or How to use Bootstrap in SharePoint Framework projects. Here is the rest of the story.

Office UI Fabric is somewhat like the first and foremost first third-party Framework that you may want to use in all your projects to create a seamless experience with the rest of the Office 365 platform. It is not exclusively to SharePoint or SharePoint Framework Projects.

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‘gulp dist’ in SPFx? One command to create a clean solution package

Many projects that use gulp as the build system mostly implement a particular gulp task that is name ‘dist’ for distribution. This task package and bundle everything for production use.

Can we have a gulp task like this in SPFx too? Yes, we can have this too. First, let us take a look at the steps you need to do when you like to create a clean ‘sppkg’ file in the SharePoint Framework.

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PnP SPFx generator 1.6 released – A release to make your developer and team leads life easier

Without a doubt, the SharePoint Framework is one of the most successful adoptions and customisation models that has ever found its way into SharePoint, and there are reasons for this.

Over the past years, I talked and worked together with many developers that haven’t ever touched SharePoint before or found its way into this Application.

Many of those had a background in C# while, especially for a branding project, was more living in the web world. The overall feedback was that it is this kind of development unique in many ways.

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PnP/SPFx 1.6.0-beta1 published – StyleLint, Webpack Bundle Analyzer, Jest Testing and more

Today I published the first beta version of the upcoming PnP/SFPx version 1.6.0. It is the most significant releases since the launch of the Angular Elements support for SPFx.


Instead of adding new frameworks at the moment this release focuses more on your development workflow. There are updates included that helps you to write cleaner code, reduce bundle sizes and last but not least helps you on testing your ReactJS projects.

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How to create an SPFx project using a specific version

Have you ever wanted to run an older version of the SPFx generator? Maybe on an existing project to add some new assets? It is possible without any installation of the generator at all. Recently a tool was released inside your NPM installation that is named ‘NPX‘.

In short, NPX is a tool that allows you to run npm binaries and packages without having them installed locally. This tool got first released in NPM 5.2.0.

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