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OneDrive Files on demand for MacOS has arrived and it is great!

The latest release of OneDrive for Mac comes with an exciting new feature. Files on demand have finally arrived on MacOS. Windows Client was the first client supporting this feature. Now on MacOS, you have better control over your synced files.

Files on demand on Mac

That this feature comes is not new and was already announced on September 18 as a Beta version.

Over the last couple of month, I regularly check if it has become available outside of the Beta releases. Sadly until now, I couldn’t find any indication, but now finally it has become available.

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Introducing the idea of Archive Hub Sites

A common practice these days is to organise site collection in hub sites. It gives you a great possibility to arrange your content more dynamically than ever before in SharePoint. On specific site type, we are dealing in any SharePoint project, for example, are project sites.

These project workspaces only have a defined start and end date. A site collection like this can be useful for a couple of weeks, to month or in case of long-running projects for years. What to do when the workspace reached his end of life?

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