
Centered fixed width design in SharePoint 2010 – The fast way

If you are looking for a way to create a fixed width design in SharePoint 2013 follow the white rabbit.

There are a lot of fixed width master page solutions available on the internet and I read a lot of those solutions. Some of those require JavaScript or don’t respect the ribbon, which means that the ribbon will placed inside the fixed width design. SharePoint is smart enough to handle small screen resolutions by compacting and rearrange the icons in the ribbon, but if a normal user larger screen it gets really hard to administer SharePoint and breaks the usability completely. There is a much quicker and saver ways to create a flexible master page where only certain CSS properties needs to be changed to get any fixed width design as well as centered design with border to the left and right.[Read more]


Boxes and positioning – Enhance rich text editor – Part 2

Part one was all about the basics of customizing the rich text editor. This part will show some advanced CSS styling definitions. For a nice looking text layout are boxes handy to position side notes, images, videos or any kind of elements beside the content.  The rich text editor has already defined boxes in the markup styles drop down called callouts but they have a fixed position defined. I also will show enhancements for positioning any kind of element.[Read more]


Use @font-face in Rich Text Editor of SharePoint 2010

In modern web design many sites use web fonts. Nearly since the beginning of the Internet there were always intentions to bring desktop fonts to the web. Nowadays the support for web typography in modern browser is in really big. Netscape introduced the <font> Tag in 1995 as a first attempt to bring different fonts to the web. Internet Explorer 4 was the first browser as far as I know that allows font embedding back in 1997.

In general some really good articles about web typography can be found on which is worth reading to deep dive into web typography.[Read more]


Round corner in top navigation

The navigation in SharePoint 2010 has slightly changed and will now be rendered a new way as a list. To use list elements instead of tables is a common practice in web development. The structure of the navigation and therefore the top navigation has some important elements and style sheet classes that allow you to theme the top navigation really easy.

The Basic

The top navigation is a list as mentioned before. Inside a list element is a hyperlink that contains a span element. The source for one element on the top navigation looks like this:

<li class="static">
    <a class="static menu-item" href="/Blank">
        <span class="additional-background">
            <span class="menu-item-text">Blank</span>

To get a rounded navigation the background will be attached in this example to the hyperlink and the additional-background class. To reset the navigation add the follow style to your stylesheet.

.s4-tn ul li.static,
.s4-tn ul li.static.selected,
.s4-tn ul li.static a.static,
.s4-tn ul li.static a.static.selected{
    padding: 0px;
    margin: 0px;
    background-color: transparent;
    border: 0px;
    background-image: none;

This style removes all paddings, margins and anything else that is not needed.

The Background Image

For the background images is use CSS sprite. If you don’t know what this is you can find a really good article on “A list apart”. Basically I us only a single background image and move the background around using background-position property. So the background image is use looks like this:

The red area I will use as a navigation background. The yellow will be my hover effects and also mark the selected navigation element but I will tell you later more.

The navigation

In the previous step I removed all margins and padding, which is good because now all navigation elements have now all the same values and set to zero. To attach the background I first stretch the navigation elements back to the values I will use later for the navigation.

.s4-tn ul li.static a.static,
.s4-tn ul li.static a.static.selected{
    background-color: orange;
    padding-left: 10px;
    padding-bottom: 9px;
    margin-right: 5px;
    color: white;
.s4-tn ul li.static a.static .additional-background{
    background-color: maroon;
    padding-right: 10px;
    padding-top: 5px;
    padding-bottom: 6px;
    color: white;

These styles above will let the top navigation look like this:

The final Step

Now to get the background image on our navigation you just need to add the background-image property to our style sheet. To get the parts of sprite in the right position we need to add the background-position too. The style sheet look then like this:

.s4-tn ul li.static a.static,
.s4-tn ul li.static a.static.selected{
    background-image: url('/_layouts/navigationtest/navigation-bg.png');
    background-repeat: no-repeat;
    background-position: left -120px;
    padding-left: 10px;
    padding-bottom: 9px;
    margin-right: 5px;
    color: white;
.s4-tn ul li.static a.static .additional-background{
    background-image: url('/_layouts/navigationtest/navigation-bg.png');
    background-repeat: no-repeat;
    background-position: right 0px;
    padding-right: 10px;
    padding-top: 5px;
    padding-bottom: 6px;
    color: white;

And now you have navigation with round corners then looks like this:

So this wasn’t rocket science so far and only a view line of style sheet mission can be accomplished. One thing left missing, so what about the hover? Even no problem but we need to move the background images. The style for that looks like this and hover is done.

.s4-tn ul li.static a.static:hover,
.s4-tn ul li.static.selected a.static.selected,
.s4-tn ul li.static.selected a.static.selected:hover{
    background-position: left -180px;
    color: black;
.s4-tn ul li.static a.static .additional-background:hover,
.s4-tn ul li.static.selected a.static.selected .additional-background{
    background-position: right -60px;
    color: black;

And so it should look then:

The style above also alters the style of the selected tab and the whole style adaption has only thirty two lines of pure css without any jquery or other code required.


So in general Microsoft done a great job to get rid of the lame table based design to a completely more web designstandard way. Styling the navigation is one good example how easy some things have become in SharePoint 2010. The classes on the element are better structured and well attached to the elements. Simple hover effects even don’t need any scripting code at all.