
Centered fixed width design in SharePoint 2010 – The fast way

If you are looking for a way to create a fixed width design in SharePoint 2013 follow the white rabbit.

There are a lot of fixed width master page solutions available on the internet and I read a lot of those solutions. Some of those require JavaScript or don’t respect the ribbon, which means that the ribbon will placed inside the fixed width design. SharePoint is smart enough to handle small screen resolutions by compacting and rearrange the icons in the ribbon, but if a normal user larger screen it gets really hard to administer SharePoint and breaks the usability completely. There is a much quicker and saver ways to create a flexible master page where only certain CSS properties needs to be changed to get any fixed width design as well as centered design with border to the left and right.[Read more]


Make custom list forms centralized manageable

SharePoint Designer is a great tool for prototyping but it can really mess up your installation. I want to show a new way / old way how customized form could be make centralised manageable.

For example if you want to create a list form that has certain columns visible to users with a special permission. The fastest way to get there is to create a custom list form is in SharePoint Designer. A tutorial for this can be found at Microsoft Create a custom list form using SharePoint Designer – SharePoint ….

Customising form works great as long as you have a single list and a single form in your portal. If someone saved the list as template and created new instance, the problem start to begin when something needs to be changed in the form.[Read more]