
Honoured and proud – I received my first MVP Award

MVP Award Email

MVP Award Email

Yesterday was a great day. I got my first MVP Award on Office Development. I would like to thank all supporters in the European and international SharePoint and Office 365 Community, all the SharePoint Saturday and Conference Organisers that allowed me to share my thoughts on modern web, Office development and SharePoint Branding.
Special thanks to Microsoft for making this Award possible throughout the years.

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Make SharePoint SASSy – Webinar recording now online

Today I had the great pleasure to record a webinar for SharePoint Europe. Actually, it was not a new session, it more hat the purpose to show people how I develop now in SharePoint. Especially how my branding workflow nowadays looks like. I use now SASS for all my branding in SharePoint, because it has a lot of benefits in manner of consistency, reusability and fundability of CSS changes and adoption.[Read more]