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Introducing the idea of Archive Hub Sites

A common practice these days is to organise site collection in hub sites. It gives you a great possibility to arrange your content more dynamically than ever before in SharePoint. On specific site type, we are dealing in any SharePoint project, for example, are project sites.

These project workspaces only have a defined start and end date. A site collection like this can be useful for a couple of weeks, to month or in case of long-running projects for years. What to do when the workspace reached his end of life?

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Why and how to add multiple themes using Office 365 CLI

No matter what your preferred operating system or device is, you can develop and deploy for SharePoint whatever you want to use. Even for the deploy modern experience components for branding such as themes for the modern experience.

In my case, I work mostly on Mac occasionally on Windows, whatever serves its purpose best. Sometimes I write PowerShell Scripts to configure things on Office 365, but there is a new option other than PowerShell, but those configuration changes nowadays are even possible through classic bash scripts through the opportunities provided by the Office 365 CLI.

Enough said on the new possibility let’s look why it might make sense to have multiple different themes available.

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Communication Sites: Workaround for missing page layout option

Microsoft recently released the new Communication Site template. It is a great first look into a new way to publish web content in SharePoint only.
Sadly some important features are missing yet in the first version of this new site template. One of such things is the creation of new content pages based on templates.
When you like to create two pages that should look identical, but with different content, all web parts need to be placed in the same order as you have added them previously.
Luckily there is a workaround to the missing page layouts.

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