
Optimize your SPFx projects with React.lazy

SharePoint Framework offers you a pretty solid project setup, but on the other hand, it doesn’t give you options to optimise the gulp, build or the webpack configuration.
The more web parts exist in a single project, the slower the build task become and all the code in the project will be compiled at once, instead of smaller incremental builds. Technical possible but not yet supported.

Optimise your SPFx project with React.lazy

The good thing is that there are some options you can directly trigger from your web part code. Some of these options affect webpack others can be applied in ReactJS. Not only in case of build times but also case of user experience and web part performance.

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How to copy files from src to lib folder in SPFx?

Sometimes there is the requirement to move files from your source code directory to the lib folder. These files can be images, JSON files or any imaginable asset that is not recognised by the build chain of SPFx.

There are two ways to achieve this one. One used gulp the other gets accomplished through the configuration of a copy-static-assets.json. Let me explain these to methods what scenarios suites best in which case.

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How to use Handlebars in SharePoint Framework Projects – SPFX

I believe one on the most used front end tools in the web development world is out there is Moustache or Handlebars. It is easy to use; you can write native HTML and compelling too.
In the SharePoint world, many web parts directly show data on the page, and therefore this is the right weapon of choice to get fast going.
Right after the first version of SPFx become public available, I created a ticket in GitHub on how to use this front end tool. With the RC0 drop of the framework, a new functionality has become available that allows you to embed Handlebars through a so-called webpack loader. I was pretty excited when Pat Miller tweeted me about this.

Let me show and explain what steps are required to make use of it in your next project.

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