
How to use Bootstrap in SharePoint Framework projects

Many developers in the past have use Frameworks such as Bootstrap or Zurb’s Foundation, and from a pure developer perspective, it is clear why to use them. There is yet Office UI Fabric around, but with every new framework, you need to learn those frameworks specifics.

Because it is and was so famous for the use of SharePoint web parts you might like to update some of your existing web parts to the modern experience. Whatever the reason is might by you use it; there are some things to know before such framework can be embedded safely in SharePoint Framework projects.

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How to better control CSS class naming in SPFx

CSS is currently not capable of scoping the design only to a component on a web page. It is just possible through different class names for elements on the page. To avoid the inference of same style sheet classes on the same page, SPFx post-fix every class name used in the web parts CSS files. There are also hidden gems that allow you to change this behaviour dynamically as required and sometime the class names shouldn’t be renamed at all cost. Enough about the theory lets take a closer more detailed look.

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